Red Dot Design Award 2024
We are excited that our packaging for Woodlandchicks has won the Red Dot Design Award. Happy happy!
We are excited that our packaging for Woodlandchicks has won the Red Dot Design Award. Happy happy!
The publication »Idyll and Ideology – Hermann Mattern and the Landscape to Live In«, designed by us, will be presented on July 18 at 7.30 pm in the Bücherbogen as part of a talk with the author Lars Hopstock. The book has been published by Jovis.
We are thrilled that Harri has been invited to join the jury of the Best German Book Design 2024 by the board of the Stiftung Buchkunst. We wish all participants the best of luck!
The wonderful delicacies from Woodlandchicks are now also available online. In addition to the brand and web design, we also created the packaging. Visit the webshop here.
The Goethe-Institut in Exile is dedicated to Afghanistan’s cultural scene starting this weekend. We are looking forward to the festival, for which we developed the design, and wish all participants much success and wonderful encounters.
We are delighted that ice cream manufacture Vanille & Marille is opening its eighth shop in Berlin this Saturday. We are responsible for the redesign, which is now being gradually implemented. Feels like summer!
The current issue of »creativ verpacken« talks about our branding and packaging of Shatoh’s delicious nut creations. Worth reading and snacking!
Julia Rosenbaum invites the artist Beatriz Morales and the designer Harri Kuhn to talk about what it means and how it is to make an artist book. Thank you for the pleasant evening!
For Save the Children we co-curated and designed the exhibition »I Am Alive«. On show at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland until July 6th.
For the artist Ilit Azoulay we designed »مَلِكوت Queendom מַלְכּוּת«. The experimental publication is an extension of the artist’s exhibition in the Israeli Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Published by Distanz.