Three different but related flyers present the Goethe-Institutes in New York and all over the US. Our idea was to involve the staff of all seven institutes and ask them to send us pictures of objects of their working environment. We combined these pictures into absurd, almost Dadaistic collages conveying a very personal and surprisingly new perspective of each location.
Further projects
Cultural Communication
Formats of InsecurityCultural Communication
KlimapolyCultural Communication
Kulturkita HessenCultural Communication
Living in a Quantum StateCultural Communication
Kulturkreis Annual ConferenceCultural Communication
Performing ArchitectureCultural Communication
Goethe-Institut Damascus | In ExileCultural Communication
Kulturkreis MagazineCultural Communication
Kultur am HakenCultural Communication
Forsythe ModulesCultural Communication
GAmMCultural Communication
Competing NarrativesCultural Communication
Global Diplomacy Lab – Summit publicationEditorial
Goethe-Institut im ExilCultural Communication
Kultur trifft DigitalCultural Communication