Living in a Quantum State is a series of events organized by the Goethe-Institut. Together with artists, ethical and ecological questions about quantum computing are discussed. The main protagonist of the design is a three-dimensional cat as a reference to »Schrödinger’s Cat« – an experiment by physicist Erwin Schrödinger from 1935, according to which the cat can assume different states simultaneously. The cat’s infinite number of faces stand for different project phases. Their character changes from cool to insecure to scary – emotions that the topic of quantum computing evokes.
Further projects
Cultural Communication
Goethe-Institut in the USCultural Communication
GAmMCultural Communication
Performing ArchitectureCultural Communication
Goethe-Institut Damascus | In ExileCultural Communication
Kulturkreis Annual ConferenceCultural Communication
Goethe-Institut im ExilCultural Communication
Kultur am HakenCultural Communication
KlimapolyCultural Communication
Forsythe ModulesCultural Communication
Kulturkreis MagazineCultural Communication
Competing NarrativesCultural Communication
Global Diplomacy Lab – Summit publicationEditorial
Kultur trifft DigitalCultural Communication
Formats of InsecurityCultural Communication
Kulturkita HessenCultural Communication