Due to war or censorship, Goethe-Instituts around the world have to close. The »Goethe-Institut in Exile« functions as a host for such institutes and their creatives; it is a meeting place, a shelter and a vivid stage. The logo takes up the idea of the empty space, which already played a central role in the design for the project »Goethe-Institut Damascus | In Exile«. This empty space is filled with the respective country focus. The vibrant green in the visual identity stands out from the Goethe-Institut’s corporate green; it has a signal effect and stands for a state of emergency. Each country is also coded by its own color. The colors form flowing shapes that are always in motion. Large brackets derive from the placeholder element of the logo, become arrows that create dynamics and are anchor points at the same time. (Animation: Lukas von Bülow)
Goethe-Institut im Exil